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Because you deserve better!
VICTO National
Co-operative Federation and Development Center

2014 segment of COOP TV featuring the POWER LADIES
CATHOLIC COMMUNITY TELEVISION NETWORK (CCTN) Presents 2014 segment of COOP TV featuring the POWER LADIES. These are the iconic leaders of coops in today's generation. The segment tackles about what is coop and how coop move each members life, towards progress. CCTN news anchor MS Malou Guanzon Apalisok pull out a very fun conversation together with Ms. Renia C. Salinas (CEO Victo) and Ms Doris Canares (PCC Chair).
Part of the segment, they invites coops on the upcoming national coop summit which will be held on october 16-18 2014 at waterfront Hotel, Lahug Cebu City with a theme Co-ops 200: Raising the Bar.

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