Because you deserve better!
VICTO National
Co-operative Federation and Development Center

The federation is constantly guided by self-reliance, mutual assistance, democracy, justice and nationalism to achieve total human development but has also been quick to respond to new and life changing electronic and web-based technologies that enhanced its work towards creating strong and viable cooperatives in the country.

Keenness in new technology is important as the federation mobilizes its pool of experts on various subjects under the Local Experts Advise and Dialogue (LEAD) program in conducting prescribed courses for co-op officers and staff.
The federation commits to act on four mission areas. These are Strengthening, Unifying, Redefining, and Energizing the co-ops.

To Strengthening co-ops, action will be focused in members’ education, officers’ education and exposure, management consultancy and training, and management, financial and social audit.

In Unifying co-ops, action will be focused on membership recruitment and development, federation strengthening , business formation, and compliance of standards and regulations, as well as lobbying for favorable policy environment for the sector.
To Redefine co-ops, action will be focused on business product research, market linkages and networking, social program development and social development advocacy. It is committed to promote exchanges and dialogue on best practices, generate ideas and innovate on social development programs.

To Energize co-ops, action will be focused on convention and educational tours, public campaigns, public events, rituals and sports. Fundraising campaigns for the endowment fund shall be a regular part of these events.
The road ahead VICTO National sees a three sided-growth issue. Large and successful co-ops will have to continually find strategies to utilize latest technologies in order to compete and make its presence felt in the mainstream economy. Large and successful co-ops will have to continually find strategies to utilize latest technologies in order to compete and make its presence felt in the mainstream economy. The rise of new players in the co-op movement will make it difficult for small and newly organized co-ops to survive. Because of stiff competition, there is a perception that help and collaboration from big co-ops will not be forthcoming. The third challenge would be identifying and grooming future leaders to ensure that the next generation will remain faithful to the core values of the VICTO National.

However, it has been said that the human spirit grows in difficult situations. The federation has weathered far more serious problems in the past. With a mindset that does not shirk at enormous tasks and responsibilities, the challenges ahead will serve only to galvanize VICTO National to work harder by continually seeking fresher ideas and new paradigms, but keen not to lose sight of the core values to achieve human development in the context of cooperation.