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Strengthening Co-ops​​

Unifying Co-ops​

Redefining Co-ops​

Energizing Co-ops​

This mission deals with the interventions of VICTO National in the core business of co-ops.  VICTO National will continue to organize and provide interventions  to small and big co-operatives, it will focus on operations, and how these will be run adherence to transparency with emphasis on the role of members, officers, and staff.  VICTO National will continually  improve its services given various expectations of a broad range of co-operatives in terms of asset size, members and quality of elected officers.  It emphasizes  the essence of what a co-op is, and what leaders can do to make this profitable, while at the same time recognizing its social obligations.​

This mission will focus on the role of VICTO National as a leader in strengthening and working with local federations.  Business incubation and idea generation will fall under this mission.  This is is two-pronged, involving both the secretariat and the co-operative movement.  The mission will allows VICTO to beef up its size in terms of membership and aggregate assets as we...​

This mission will make VICTO National a research institute looking at other activities the co-ops can undertake.  VICTO National will continually package new innovations ideas for business ventures with emphasis on the members' needs.  It will address socially relevant issues vis-a-vis its business function and how this will impact of the social mission of the co-operative.​

This mission will put emphasis on harnessing the collective spirit and energy within in the VICTO National Network so as to create a synergy that will propel the growth and development of the sector.  It will include-among others-events, sectoral or thematic congresses, public campaigns, gatherings, exposures and study missions.  Ritual and celebrations would be the main features of special events.  All activities would aim to keep the co-op fire burning in the hearts, minds and actions of every co-operator in a way that is light, entertaining and fun.  It would continually engage public events with relevant structures so as to spread the co-op ideals and let others know what VICTO National Network doing.

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